GT 1000 Reception
As a show of appreciation for our volunteer Instructors and Team Leaders, the Center for Academic Enrichment, the Team Leader Advisory Board (TLAB), and the GT 1000 Ambassadors host a celebratory reception each year for GT 1000 & 2000 instructors... -
C2D2: Astronaut Scholars Recognition Event
On November 9, 2017, Georgia Tech’s two 2016/2017 Astronaut Scholarship recipients were recognized for their outstanding achievements by visiting astronaut Michael McCulley at an event on campus. This is the first year that two Georgia Tech students received the Astronaut... -
A Look at This Year's Career Fair
Fair Prep and Last-Minute Adjustments The All-Majors Career Fair is the largest career fair on campus, and one of the Center for Career Discovery & Development's signature events. This year the fair brought more than 350 of the world’s leading... -
CAS: 2017 Tech Prep
Tech Prep 2017 took place August 7-11 and was an intensive 5-day summer program designed to give incoming first-years a head start on their success here at Georgia Tech. The primary focus was on fundamental mathematical concepts and study skills... -
GT 1000 Instructor Training Day
Training Day GT 1000 is a one-credit hour, letter graded first-year seminar course that is coordinated by the Center for Academic Enrichment. GT 1000 has been in existence since 2004, but Georgia Tech has had a first-year seminar course for... -
2017 GTAAN Best Practices Recap
About the Conference On June 26th, the Georgia Tech Academic Advisors Network (GTAAN) hosted the 2017 Best Practices Conference. The conference began back in 2004 and was originally a Georgia Tech-only event. But In 2006, the conference was opened to... -
2017 Valedictorian Reception
Almost 400 Georgia high school valedictorians and their families visited the Governor’s Mansion June 16-17 for the 24th annual Governor’s Valedictorian Reception. Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal hosted the annual reception at the Governor’s Mansion to celebrate... -
Reading Day Study Sessions
The Introduction of reading days into the new finals week schedule created an opportunity for the Center for Academic Success to provide study sessions for exams in calculus, linear algebra, introductory physics, introductory chemistry and organic chemistry. Students were invited...