We’re very pleased to announce that Dr. Matthew Hild is appointed Civic Engagement and Learning Initiatives Manager in the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE). Matt has been serving in this role for the past two years on a limited-term, visiting appointment shared between OUE and the School of History and Sociology (HSOC). Matt’s new permanent position is a joint appointment within Undergraduate Curriculum shared between OUE and HSOC.
Over the past two years, Matt’s contributions to Georgia Tech’s new implementation of the Georgia Legislative Requirements (GLRs) have been invaluable, and we look forward to his continuing management of this GLR implementation in his new permanent position. In OUE, Matt’s responsibilities focus on the administration and continuous improvement of the non-credit GLR Canvas courses and examinations, developed by Matt in collaboration with another faculty expert. These GLR courses and examinations enable Georgia Tech students to satisfy up to three of four civic education learning requirements for graduation established by Georgia law for public colleges and universities. Matt’s management effort in OUE involves close communication and collaboration with the Registrar’s Office, the Office of Disability Services, Digital Learning, academic advisors, and undergraduate students. Matt’s duties in HSOC include annual instruction of a course in history.
Matt earned his Ph.D. in History of Technology from Georgia Tech in 2003, and he has been an active teacher and scholar since then. His publications include Greenbackers, Knights of Labor, and Populists: Farmer-Labor Insurgency in the Late–Nineteenth-Century South (University of Georgia Press, 2007) and Arkansas's Gilded Age: The Rise, Decline, and Legacy of Populism and Working-Class Protest (University of Missouri Press, 2018)—winner of the 2019 Arkansas Historical Association's J.G. Ragsdale Book of the Year Award. He is co-author of Georgia Tech (Campus History) (Arcadia Publishing, 2018) and co-editor of and contributing co-author to Reconsidering Southern Labor History: Race, Class, and Power (University Press of Florida, 2018)—winner of the 2019 United Association for Labor Education's Award for the Best Book Related to Labor Education. He is also co-editor of and contributing author to Gwinnett County, Georgia, and the Transformation of the American South, 1818-2018 (University of Georgia Press, 2022), which won awards from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council and the Gwinnett County Historical Society.
Matt has taught at institutions including Auburn University and Rhodes College in addition to Georgia Tech, and his teaching has included courses on U.S. History to 1877, U.S. History since 1877, History of the New South, U.S. Labor History, America in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Modern America, Science and Technology in the Modern World, Technology and Science in the Industrial Age, and Engineering in History.
Please join us in congratulating Matt on his new permanent appointment as Civic Education and Learning Initiatives Manager in OUE with a joint appointment in HSOC.