ASPIRE, a professional development leadership opportunity offered by Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), seeks to develop and cultivate a leadership mindset for program participants. ASPIRE is open to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff who do not currently manage others but desire to gain the skills necessary to develop a leadership mindset. The program offers a structured framework designed to empower individuals with the skills, insights, and self-awareness necessary to thrive as leaders.
Two OUE employees, Monique Morris, Pre-Graduate and Pre-Professional Coordinator in ASA, and Dr. Joyelle (Joy) Harris, Director for Transformative Learning Experiences and Director of Women in Engineering, were selected as part of the 2023 ASPIRE cohort and recently completed their experiences in the program. Both Monique and Joy highly recommend the program to all eligible OUE employees and highlight the transformative impact of the ASPIRE program. According to Joy,
The program was nothing short of amazing. The facilitators were knowledgeable and well organized. My cohort was insightful and supportive. I learned something new and useful in every session.
Monique had a similar experience, noting the positive impact the ASPIRE experience has had on her own professional development.
By participating in ASPIRE, I realized leadership does not necessarily mean sitting at the head of a conference room table. Leading really isn’t a position; it is an action that begins with us getting out of the stands and into the game. One awesome benefit I received from the program is that, while the imposter syndrome does feel real at times, I don’t have to wear the imposter’s suit; I have my own that custom fits my perfect authentic self.
From enhancing self-awareness and fostering personal growth to equipping participants with practical skills and fostering a supportive community, the program empowers individuals to unlock their leadership potential and thrive in their professional endeavors.
OUE employees who are interested in participating in a future ASPIRE cohort can learn more and complete the program interest form through the GTPE website by going to https://pe.gatech.edu/wlpd/programs/aspire.