A graphic promoting the Veterans Day card writing event. The image includes a picture of a letter saying "thank you" and the logo of the non-profit A Million Thanks.

Join the Honors Leadership Council (HLC) to write cards for military vets in honor of Veterans Day! The session will be on Friday, November 3rd from 7pm-9pm at the LLC West Commons Classroom, in the Curran parking deck. There will be dinner included. 

We will be working with A Million Thanks to send out the letters. A Million Thanks is a non-profit organization that provides support and appreciation to our active and veteran military men and women through sending letters and granting betterment of life wishes, as well as providing higher education scholarships to their children.

RSVP via Qualtrics here: https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehZugjGcVM2uQtg