A moment of celebration and well wishes for all of the May 2024 graduating students who participated in programs offered by the Office of Undergraduate Education.

This May friends and families cheered for their grads during four commencement ceremonies for bachelor's degrees May 3 - 4 at the McCamish Pavilion. Among those cheering on the graduates were members of the Office of Undergraduate (OUE) leadership including Dr. Steven P. Girardot and Dr. Christopher Reaves.
As an extension of this celebration, we would like to take a moment to highlight the graduating students who participated in OUE programs over the course of their academic careers. We're grateful for the opportunity we had to connect with you during this pivotal time in your lives and feel honored to have served you during your time at Georgia Tech. We sincerely hope the time spent with us contributed to your success in this incredible achievement and we wish you the very best in your post-graduate endeavors!
Spring 2024 Graduates | ||
Last Name | First Name | Program |
Acosta | Randi | Co-Op |
Adams | Derrick | HP, GT 1000/2000 TL |
Ahmed | Nadine | RO |
Ali | Hussan | RO |
Allred | Lauren | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Ames | Alexandra | HP Participation |
Arcos | Stefanny | HP Completion |
Arduz | Sebastian | Co-Op |
Artis | Jordan | HP Completion |
Bahri | Sara | SAB |
Barsa | Paul | HP Completion |
Baute | John | Co-Op |
Begwani | Pranay | RO |
Bergstrom | Brooke | Co-Op |
Bjorner | Jakob | RO |
Bocage | Dinisia | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Bortle | Jack | Co-Op |
Boswell | Logan | Co-Op |
Boswell | Meredith | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Bowers | Nicholas | Co-Op |
Bowzard | John | Co-Op |
Brooks | Jonathan | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Brown | Angela | Co-Op |
Brown | Jonah | Co-Op |
Buckalew | Ian | Co-Op |
Butler | Cody | HP Participation |
Butlin | Rachel | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Caldwell | Andrew | Co-Op |
Calvo | Octavio | RO |
Campbell | Cole | Co-Op |
Campbell | Noah | RO, GT 1000/2000 TL |
Campbell | Taylor | HP Completion |
Canas | Adriana | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Cao | Ruijia | RO |
Cappiello | Anthony | HP Completion |
Carmical | Emma | Co-Op |
Carnes | Anna | RO |
Castrellon | Erik | Co-Op |
Castro | Felipe | Co-Op |
Chalmeti | Anushka | HP Completion |
Chandrashekhar | Rohan | RO |
Chang | Ethan | RO |
Chen | Jackie | HP Completion |
Chen | Jeremy | Co-Op |
Chen | Summer | Co-Op |
Chen | Wei-Han | Co-Op |
Cheney | Mary Brenna | RO |
Chinta | Varshini | HP Completion |
Chng | Zhe Ming | RO |
Choudhary | Shreya | HP Completion |
Coffsky | Shayna | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Coleman | Aidan | SAB |
Collins | Clayton | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Condra | Andrew | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Cornell | Abby | RO |
D'amaro | Margaret | Co-Op, GT 1000/2000 TL |
Davalbhakta | Evie | RO |
Davis | Cameron | HP Participation |
DeCesaris | Anthony | HP Completion |
Deiters | Sarah | Co-Op |
Dejneka | Abigail | HP Completion |
Deng | Claire | RO |
Deva | Yashvini | HP Completion |
Dhungel | Aishna | Co-Op |
Di Leva | Ignacio | RO |
Doane | George | Co-Op |
Dodda | Pranit | HP Completion |
Duhon | Nyla | HP Completion |
Dunning | Caroline | HP Participation |
Durbal | Nirvana | RO |
Egan | Noah | RO, HP Completion |
Eggers | Jessica | HP Completion |
Esper | Lucas | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Fain | Allison | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Feng | Daniel | RO |
Fix | Caitlin | RO |
Foltz | Jillian | HP Participation |
Footer | Justin | Co-Op |
Forsyth | Kathryn | HP Completion |
Fortner | John | RO |
Gadekar | Amogh | RO |
Gangal | Madhura | Co-Op |
Gao | Ruoshi | HP Completion |
Garcia | Angel | HP Participation |
Gart | Maxwell | HP Participation |
Gauthreaux | Nicholas | HP Completion |
Gibbs | Aiden | Co-Op |
Goins | Callie | RO |
Grieco | Matthew | Co-Op |
Griffin | Martin | RO |
Gulian | Joseph | RO |
Gunerli | John | RO |
Gupte | Mitali | HP Completion |
Ha | Ryan | HP Completion |
Hamby | Donovan | HP Participation |
Hanumasagar | Shamita | HP Completion |
Haris | Rohaiz | RO |
Harris | Coby | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Hefner | Sofia | RO |
Heineman | David | RO |
Hendrix | Kenneth | Co-Op |
Herrmann | Olivia | RO |
Huan | Stephen | RO |
Hull | John | Co-Op |
Hutchinson | Natalie | Co-Op |
Hyatt | Marin | HP Completion |
James | Jim | RO |
Jani | Aarav | HP Completion |
Jayakumar | Nithya | RO |
Jeffres | Mir | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Jerish | Irene | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Jia | Ruoran | RO |
Jones | Anika | RO |
Jones | Aulden | RO |
Joseph | Joshua | RO |
Kachmar | Lily | HP Completion |
Kaczynski | Erika | HP Completion |
Kahn | Maya | RO |
Kandimalla | Praval | HP Completion |
Kang | Jenna | RO |
Kankariya | Yash | HP Completion |
Kassis | Kimberly | HP Completion |
Kearney | Gillian | HP Completion |
Keenan | Jacob | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Keeney | Tyler | Co-Op |
Keller | Annie | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Kelly | Erin | RO |
Khan | Sahil | RO |
Kim | Iris | Co-Op, First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Kim | Jong | HP Participation |
Kim | Julia | Co-Op |
Kim | Nabin | RO |
Kim | Sieun | HP Participation |
King | Jacob | HP Completion |
Kopp | Antonia | HP Completion |
Kosaraju | Harika | RO, GT 1000/2000 TL |
Kothari | Yash | RO |
Krishnaswamy | Darshan | RO |
Krishnathas | Siamalan | RO |
Kundu | Supratim | HP Completion |
Kwak | Yaeji | Co-Op |
Laenger | Bickston | HP Completion |
Landrum | Coleman | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Lee | Amanda | Co-Op |
Leng | Zikang | RO |
Lianna | Arnold | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Lindsey | Olivia | HP Completion |
Lu | Daniel | RO |
Macatula | Maridel Anne | Co-Op |
Madera | Marianna | RO |
Mahesh | Akash | HP Participation |
Maheshwari | Vidushi | RO |
Malireddy | Pranav | HP Completion |
Mantri | Amogh | RO |
Martelli | Roberto | HP Participation |
McCarthy | Declan | Co-Op |
McClarity Jones | Payton | RO, SAB, First Gen Jackets Mentor |
McKenzie | Maegan | Co-Op, GT 1000/2000 TL |
Mehta | Poojan | Co-Op |
Mehta | Pratham | RO |
Mehta | Saagar | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Melvin | Emily | RO |
Meshramkar | John | HP Completion |
Meyer-Hisey | James | HP Completion |
Miller | Jacob | HP Completion |
Miller | Sarah | Co-Op, HP Participation |
Miura | Honoka | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Morris | Micah | Co-Op |
Mosur | Priyanka | RO |
Myers | Carter | HP Completion |
Myers | Curran | Co-Op |
Nadella | Aneet | HP Completion |
Nedelescu | Dan | HP Completion |
Nguyen | Kristy | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Nielsen | Mari | Co-Op |
Norry | Natanya | HP Completion |
Nya | Grace | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Nzerue | Chiemeka | Co-Op |
O'hara | Connor | Co-Op |
Ochal | Madeleine | Co-Op |
Ogando | Aimee | SAB |
Oliver | Sydney | RO |
Panlaqui | Sabrina | HP Participation |
Paradis | Aden | Co-Op |
Park | Hyungjun | HP Completion |
Park | Paul | HP Completion |
Patel | Evani | RO |
Patel | Manali | HP Completion |
Patra | Esha | Co-Op |
Pedersen | Annika | HP Completion |
Peng | Alex | Co-Op |
Perlmutter | Joshua | Co-Op |
Phalke | Kinshuk | RO |
Pham | Erin | Co-Op |
Pinto | Matthew | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Pleasant | William | HP Completion |
Polk | Jackson | Co-Op, HP Completion |
Poss | Adrian | Co-Op |
Pradhan | Sonali | HP Participation |
Punimaya | Rohan | RO |
Putta | Pranav | RO |
Qutob | Nadia | RO |
Rajan | Priyanka | RO, HP Completion |
Ramirez | Sophia | HP Participation |
Ramos Grangeia Carvalho | Nuno | RO |
Ramotar | Alexandra | RO |
Raparti | Aleevelu | HP Completion |
Ravichandran | Rithvi | HP Completion |
Reid | Olivia | HP Participation |
Renaud | Meredith | HP Completion |
Reyes | Rosario | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Rich | Cassandra | RO |
Roach | Andrew | HP Completion |
Rosakranse | Alden | Co-Op |
Rubio Beltran | Maria del Pilar | RO |
Russell | Haley | Co-Op |
Sahgal | Vikram | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Saliaris | Panagiotis | HP Completion |
Samantarai | Ishika | SAB |
Sanchez-Lopez | Johnny | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Saravanabhavan | Nila | RO |
Sealy | Christina | HP Participation |
Shah | Nidhi | HP Completion |
Shah | Priyanka | HP Completion |
Shukla | Aditya | HP Completion |
Sierra | Rommy | RO |
Sim | Abigail | RO |
Simons | William | Co-Op |
Singh | Anita | RO |
Singhal | Anush | RO |
Sirait | Jeremiah | HP Completion |
Stanek | Michelle | HP Participation |
Still | Richard | HP Completion |
Stoop | Jorik | RO, HP Completion |
Tadepalli | Arya | HP Completion |
Taghian | Helya | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Talik | Tyler | RO |
Tang | Calix | RO |
Taylor | Skylar | RO |
Thakkar | Devanshi | HP Completion |
Thomas | Yolana | Co-Op |
Tian | Marvin | HP Completion |
Timmins | Nola | HP Completion |
Tomova | Lora | Co-Op |
Totten | Jordan | HP Completion |
Trinh | Huy | RO |
Tse | Ethan | HP Completion |
Van Slyke | Natalie | RO |
Vedrupupaka | Sriikhar | RO, HP Completion |
Vinaykumar | Rishika | Co-Op |
Vitale | Claudia | HP Participation |
Wagner | Griffin | RO |
Walls | Louis | RO |
Watermeier | Rachel | RO |
Weinstein | Noah | HP Participation |
White | Arthur | HP Participation |
Whittemore | Morgan | HP Completion |
Wilds | Ashley | Co-Op |
Williams | Scott | Co-Op |
Wolfe | Jennifer | Co-Op |
Wu | Celina | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Wu | Zijing | RO |
Xu | Eathan | HP Completion |
Xu | Kyle | RO |
Xu | Shanru | Co-Op |
Yang | Ian | RO |
Yang | Seung Soo | Co-Op |
Yang | Zhongtian | RO |
Yarbrough | Caleb | GT 1000/2000 TL |
Yerramilli | Pawan | HP Completion |
Yonk | Marybeth | RO |
Yopp | Harley | First Gen Jackets Mentor |
Yu | Yifan | RO |
Zhang | Yunnuo | RO |
Zhou | Jonathan | RO |