Steven Girardot, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, has been named one of 10 laureates (five from France and five from the United States) who will serve as a Fulbright France Ambassador for 2024 - 2025.
Girardot’s Fulbright experience began in 2022, where he was selected for the prestigious and competitive Fulbright International Education Administrators (IEA) Award for France. The IEA award provides funding for U.S. higher education administrators to participate in intensive two-week seminars abroad to learn about other countries’ higher education systems. The goals of the IEA program are to support international education; promote cross-cultural perspectives among participants; and encourage global collaboration.
As vice provost for undergraduate education, Girardot helped establish Tech’s First-Year Semester Abroad (FYSA) program in 2021. The program provides an opportunity for approximately 90 - 100 incoming first-year students to begin their college experience abroad, either in Metz, France (GT-Europe) or Oxford, England. Led by Vicki Birchfield, Professor in International Affairs and FYSA executive director, the program is a collaboration between the Office of International Education (OIE) and the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) and will welcome its fourth cohort this fall. In addition, this August, the FYSA-Oxford students will also be cheering on Georgia Tech’s football team when it plays Florida State University in Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Ireland.
More information about FYSA may be found here.