by Jo Beth Cup on

As our planning process continues, Jo Beth Cup, Sr. Director for Strategic Initiatives and Operations, shared an overview of where we are today in this project as well as our roadmap for engagement for this academic year. 

We have been actively engaged since July in mapping out how this work will continue and evolve.  As we undergo moments of change and transition as a division, it is important that this process continues as a living framework designed to meet us where we are and where we will be several years from now.  

To date, the following activities have been completed in support of the Strategic Alignment Planning process: 

  • (July 2023) Analysis of ISP commitments. An initial assessment of OUE’s designated projects and activities against all 20 ISP initiatives has been charted, providing the map needed to enable prioritization.    

  • (July 2023) Sr. Leadership Offsite. On July 28, the Senior Leadership team attended a kickoff with the Greenway consulting team to discuss planning expectations; ISP and other commitments, engage in asset mapping, and discuss stakeholder engagement.  

  • (September 2023) All-OUE Strategic Alignment Plan Summit. OUE staff and faculty came together to review past and current planning activities, to provide input regarding planning outcome (hopes and fears), and to offer individual input as to how we can further create a transformative and meaningful undergraduate experience for every student.  

  • (September/October 2023) Strategic Planning Summit post-meeting Survey and Thought Exchange.   A Post-Summit Survey and Thought Exchange were provided for those who were unable to attend as well as those who had additional feedback after the event.  

This process provides an opportunity to develop a roadmap that leverages the innovative and impactful work of our OUE community, determine together the priorities of our work, and to ensure alignment of OUE priorities with the Institute Strategic Plan.  As we move forward, we will be engaged in the following steps: 

  1. Stakeholder Engagement.  (October and November) the plan will be informed by numerous stakeholder groups including students, staff, faculty, administrators, academic advisors, OUE partners, Vice Provosts, and Provost.   

  1. Design Session – (December). OUE Directors and Sr. Leadership will convene to receive input from all planning activities (Senior Leadership offsite, Strategic Plan Summit, Post-Summit Survey and Thought Exchange, and stakeholder sessions).   

  1. Identification of Strategic Themes (January/February) Themes identified in the Design Session will be informed through small group discussions providing final input to the OUE 2023 Strategic Alignment Plan. 

  1. Completion of Plan. (March 2023)  

As we work toward completion of the OUE Strategic Alignment Plan, we aim to foster a more connected community that has renewed inspiration and investment in our mission, establish a set of actionable priorities to guide our collective and shared work for the next several years, and align resources optimally in support of OUE priorities.  We look forward to the continued engagement of the OUE community across the coming months to complete this work together.