Georgia Tech undergraduates are earning their degrees at record rates. During the 2021-22 academic year, the Institute awarded 4,016 undergraduate degrees.

Since the 2011 inception of Complete College Georgia (CCG) — a University System of Georgia (USG) initiative to increase the number of students who complete their degrees — the numbers have continued to rise.
Students in the Fall 2016 first-year cohort recorded a six-year graduation rate of 93%, an all-time high for the Institute. (In U.S. public colleges, the average retention rate is about 71%.) Additionally, 98% of students in the Fall 2021 first-year cohort enrolled for a second year. This represents an all-time high for the Institute.
As I like to mention often, it takes an entire campus community to achieve these high retention and graduation rates, starting with admitting great students and then supporting them throughout their education" said Steven Girardot, vice provost for undergraduate education. “This also continues to reinforce our core value that students- and their success- are our top priority.
Student engagement in high-impact educational practices often positively impacts these metrics. The six-year graduation rate for students in the 2016 cohort who participated in either a co-op, internship, or study abroad was 98%. A two-page summary highlights the exceptional degree progression of Georgia Tech undergraduates and other examples of the high-impact practices supporting their success.
Amplifying Student Success through Momentum Work
In Fall 2021, the Office of the Provost provided more than $300,000 to support the Georgia Tech Amplify Momentum Grant Project (GT-AMP) proposals. The internal mini-grants were designed to fund innovation that enhances Georgia Tech's Momentum work or scales its impact while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the initiatives created. 7 projects were ultimately funded (out of 19 submissions) and they represented a wide cross-section of the Georgia Tech community, including Serve-Learn-Sustain, the Library, Academic Effectiveness, Athletics, and several academic Colleges and Schools.
"Our Momentum work is an extension of CCG designed to promote high-impact practices that influence student engagement, degree progression, and a sense of belonging. Since these themes are prominent in the ISP (Institute strategic plan), it seemed logical to link the two, and the GT-AMP mini-grants were the result," said Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Steven P. Girardot.
Due to the strong interest in GT-AMP across campus, the Office of Undergraduate Education plans to promote a second round of RFPs in summer 2023, pending available funding.
For more information about Georgia Tech's Complete College Georgia efforts, please visit the CCG website.