Original message sent by Dr. Steven Girardot (March 5, 2019). This message was also sent to Deans/Academic Associate Deans, Vice Provosts/Assoc Vice Provosts, and selected campus leadership.
Dear Campus Leaders, As many of you are aware, the Center for Career Discovery and Development (C2D2) was created five years ago from a merger of two units: Career Services and the Division of Professional Practice (DoPP). Anecdotal feedback and other input received, including the Office of Undergraduate Education’s (OUE) recent 5-year external review, have indicated that we still have progress to make in achieving the goals established when merging these units, particularly around our undergraduate-focused career development programs and services. This observation, coupled with recent leadership transition, has created an opportunity to strategically review the functions and services we provide to our students, faculty, colleges, and employers, and to identify their evolving needs. To do so, OUE has engaged Georgia Tech Strategic Consulting (GTSC) to conduct an organizational review of C2D2, which will include be focused on undergraduate programs including career development programs, co-op and internship, and pre-professional advising.
The project will begin immediately and will include:
- Inventorying and assessing the current services, operations, and programs C2D2 provides
- Identifying opportunities for enhanced coordination between C2D2 and career-services areas/programs in other campus units and schools/colleges as well as with academic advising
- Obtaining feedback from colleagues, students, faculty, and stakeholders on the effectiveness of current methods, opportunities for improvement, and challenges to address
- Recommending options for organizational structures, enhanced coordination, and operational models that will support both centralized and distributed undergraduate career advisement model at Georgia Tech
Throughout the study, staff from GTSC will be engaging with key stakeholders, including staff from your units, to gather information and develop ideas in this area. The study team will include:
- Juana Cunningham, senior consultant, GTSC
- Rashaad Owens, consultant, GTSC
- Candice Bovian, OHR
As appropriate, please let your faculty and staff know that the study is underway, and that some may be asked to participate through interviews, focus groups, or small meetings. Their ideas and insights are vital to the success of this study. I appreciate, in advance, your support.
Thank you,
Steven Girardot